The CEI Foundation supports Center for Elders' Independence
The CEI Foundation supports the Center for Elders' Independence
You can support CEI in several different ways

Fund for Excellence
Help us maintain and equip our PACE community centers, provide support for front line caregivers, and advance senior health care.

WebLinks Program
Support seniors conquering the digital divide.

Healthy Living Fund
Reduces social isolation, promotes physical dexterity, and improves mental health by supplementing participants’ PACE Center based activities.
Donation Matching
Use our tool to find out if your company will match your gift.
Estate Planning
Touch the lives of others while helping the CEI Foundation achieve its goals for current and future generations.

Healing & Hope Fund
Supports expanding the Spiritual Care Program that supplements Center for Elders’ Independence’s mental health and behavioral health efforts.

Helping Hands Emergency Assistance Fund
Support participants when emergency situations overtake them and threaten health, home, and security.

Mark Abar, RN, Memorial Scholarship Fund for Clinical Education
Established to honor healer and mentor Mark Abar, RN, and extend his legacy of caring and service to others.

Language Bridge Fund
To provide each center with a sufficient number of hand-held language translators to facilitate basic day-to-day conversations.